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Visit our store to see the amazing creations of our designers.

A rectangular pose stand

355,000 تومان
This product has 3 floors. Length: 35.7 Width: 22.3 Height: 6.2 Height between floors: 15 cm

Aluminium Corner Shelf Himalia

720,000 تومان825,000 تومان
Today, the variety of shampoos and toiletries has increased and we need more space in the bathroom to keep them.
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Kids Food storage Goboli



129000 t

About Zibasazan store

Zibasazan Kiana Company is one of the largest manufacturers of crystal and plastic containers in Iran, in a suitable environment and with the most up-to-date equipment in the world..

The products of Zibasazan company have been created for this purpose in order to have high durability in addition to proper performance and graceful appearance. The superior quality, beauty and art of these products will allow you to enjoy more the home that is chosen according to your personal taste..

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